Today’s Inspiring Words

Hello my dear readers,

How are you today?

Searching the web today I have found these inspiring words:

Happy are those who take life day by day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life.

I know our life is not easy but remember to be grateful and enjoy even the small things that makes you happy in your daily life.

Don’t let pass not even one single day without being thankful for something that makes you happy.

Quote credit: web, image credit: Pexels, edited by Popsicle Society

27 thoughts

  1. Hey Ribanna, It supposed to be good afternoon by now isn’t it? Wonderful post to start the day with. Gratitude/Thankful people lost these two words in their head long time ago. If they didn’t all those Tension pressure and suicides and greediness wont be there in society. This is a thing to remember by every living being. ofcourse a basic quality to be taught to every kids for a better future ✨🤗 Have a great day Ribanna✨🙂

    1. Good afternoon to you Simon 🙂
      Yes, unfortunately not many can remember to be grateful and that is sad…we should appreciate more what we have 🙂
      Yes, pressure, tension, suicides are pretty common nowadays and in my opinion who can change them, don’t want to…
      I wish everyone could be stronger and appreciate themselves more!
      Thank you for reading Simon and for your kind words! Have a wonderful afternoon! 🙂🙂

    1. Sure…unfortunately we are not living in a perfect world and every one of us have different requirements and opinions…
      However, since our life is only ours, we should try as much as we can to be happy 🙂 just for us 🙂

  2. Good afternoon, yes, all the little thins is important as well, sometimes we forget to say thank you, because they not big, but we should be grateful for all them🤗☀️

    1. Good day Ilona, yes, you are perfectly right! We should learn to enjoy the small things as are the ones that makes our daily life better 🤗💕
      Wish you a wonderful and happy day! 🤗💕

  3. I do tend to complain a bit even if I’m not realizing it at the time. I need to find the positive in the situation and be thankful. 😀 Great quote to remind us to stay positive!

  4. It is pretty amazing what happens when we turn our sourness into gratitude. I will be the first to admit – there are plenty of days when my grumbling overtakes my sunshine. But I am a true believer that remembering even small blessings turns a frown upside down 🙂

    Blessings to you ♥

    1. Oh yes, pretty amazing and until we don’t try it we don’t believe it 🙂
      I guess is impossible to be happy all the time, definitely we have also bad moments but important is to remember also the things that makes us happy 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by! Wish you a wonderful and happy weekend! 🤗💕

  5. I seriously think that this message needs to be driven more often . Many will always say things such as … This is so true etc. However , IT IS SO TRUE ! I feel as a society today we put enormous focus on everyday tasks that we completely ignore our peace of mind . And I’m not trying to send the wrong message to anyone , i deeply encourage attacking goals , hustle hard etc. But i always find time for peace of mind daily . I would have it no other way . Awesome content today , have an amazing day .

    1. Yes, nowadays I guess people are too focused on completing the daily tasks and often forget about the peace of mind, which is very important to have a happy life! Most of the time people know it but still doesn’t find that few minutes in the busy day to do it.
      Thank you very much for stopping by and for your kind words! Wish you a happy weekend!

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