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Kiwi with chia pudding and coconut milk

Hello my dear readers,

This week we have discovered kiwi and we have seen that it has a lot of benefits.

I love kiwi and most of the time I eat it for breakfast. So today I’ll share with you a healthy and easy breakfast: chia pudding with coconut milk and kiwi.

I believe by now everyone heard about chia seeds and how healthy it is but have you ever tried to make it at home? It is so so easy to prepare a breakfast which is not only delicious but also gives you a lot of energy, antioxidants and vitamins.

Chia seeds are very rich in calcium, they contain about 5 times more than cow’s milk, mineral salts (selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron and potassium), vitamins (especially vitamin C and A), Omega 3 and Omega 6 (unsaturated fatty acids, ie the good ones). They have antioxidant properties, same as kiwis, and are a generous source of amino acids (cysteine, lysine, methionine). Moreover, they perform an important balancing action for the body by leveling blood sugars, cholesterol and regulating blood pressure. They are a valid aid to eliminate toxins and also to regulate the intestine. But be careful not to exaggerate, because a high consumption of chia seeds could have laxative effects. The recommended daily dose is 15-20 grams.

And now let’s talk about this ridiculously easy recipe. It is prepared in three simple steps and with highly available ingredients in any supermarket.

Let’s see what we need for 2 portions:

How to do it:

Mix the honey or maple syrup with coconut cream, then, add the chia seeds, the vanilla seeds or vanilla essence, give another stir and let it rest for 20 minutes (or all night in the refrigerator, depending on how much time you have available).

Peel the kiwis. Blend 3 and slice the remaining one.

Divide the kiwi puree into two glasses. Pour the pudding over it, garnish with kiwi slices and coconut flakes or muesli.

I did my homemade muesli a few days back and were really delicious. I have used oats, sliced almonds, pumpkin seeds and cornflakes, I have toss them with maple syrup and I have roasted them for around 30-40 minutes at 150 degrees C. Once ready, I have added some chopped dried apricots and my muesli were ready.

Super easy and super healthy and delicious breakfast. Exactly what you need to start the day in a good way 😉

Kiwi with chia pudding and coconut milk

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print page

Super easy and super healthy and delicious breakfast. Exactly what you need to start the day in a good way.


  • 40 gr of chia seeds
  • 350 ml of coconut cream
  • 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup
  • 4 kiwis
  • 1/2 vanilla pod or vanilla essence
  • coconut flakes or muesli


  1. Mix the honey or maple syrup with coconut cream, then, add the chia seeds, the vanilla seeds or vanilla essence, give another stir and let it rest for 20 minutes (or all night in the refrigerator, depending on how much time you have available).
  2. Peel the kiwis. Blend 3 and slice the remaining one.
  3. Divide the kiwi puree into two glasses. Pour the pudding over it, garnish with kiwi slices and coconut flakes or muesli.
  4. Enjoy 😉 😋

Have a happy day!

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