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Hawthorn berries

Oh wow 1st of December already! Cannot believe how fast the year went by! Time is flying!

The other day at the supermarket I saw these small little fruits, similar to little apples called hawthorn berries.

After a little bit of research I’ve found out that these small little apples are used for both medicinal and culinary purposes.

Hawthorn berries belongs to the same family of plants as apples and roses and contain many powerful substances such as bioflavonoids, proanthocyanidins and other antioxidants, making hawthorn particularly effective for cardiovascular care.

They grow throughout the world and in ancient times, every part of the plant flowers, berries, leaves, stems and bark were used to make medicines. 

These small berries are also known as food for the heart, as seems can do wonders for cardiovascular health.

Hawthorn is ideal for those who have a family history of heart disease. They’re used also for angina, high blood pressure, immune system, combat anxiety, digestive health, intestinal infections, eczema and psoriasis, high cholesterol, increases energy.

As for recipes I see they’re used for syrups, jam, jelly, juices.

I did not try to make any recipe I have just eaten them like this, and they really taste like apples.

Seems that these little berries are full of wonders.

Photo credit: PopsicleSociety
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