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Special blogger award 3 & 4

I have been nominated by Simon from Pen on Website for the Special blogger award and again since I’m so slow, while working on it I have received the nomination also from Nour R. from Leave behind a trace

Thank you both! I really feel special 🤩🤩🤩

Rules as copied from their post:

  1. Thanks the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions you are asked ( if you’re comfortable doing so!)
  3. Create 10 questions for the bloggers you’ve nominated
  4. Nominate at least 3 bloggers for the Special Blogger Award.
  5. Comment on your nominees most recent blog post to let them know you’ve nominated.
  6. Have a fun

Simon’s questions:

  1. Would you like to travel time? If yes, Honestly why? – to travel in time? I’m not so sure. Traveling back in time, for what use? Past is past and is gone! And traveling in the future? For what if I cannot live it. What I am sure is that I would like to travel in space 😊
  2. You have given two wishes, Turn yourself opposite gender and live the rest of your life. Turn yourself a millionarie and survive from your cancer with your money. What would you choose? – if I’m a cancer survivor I choose to be a millionaire 😊 I wish everyone who has this damn thing could be a survivor! They say nowadays, maybe there is a cure, but unfortunately all people around me that have it, they never cured it. 
  3. Are you aware you are getting old, and you like it ? – I am damn aware and I hate it! I wish I could stay forever at this age.
  4. Ever scared of ghosts? – yep, from when I was a little girl even if I never saw one. I remember when I was little that the neighbor from the floor below us died and that time the tradition was to keep the dead in the house for 2-3 days for the mourning, so people could come and say good bye…and I knew he was in the room below mine, I couldn’t sleep for the time they kept it there…😱 I was so scared…
  5. If i challenge you to live a day without a penny, no mobiles nothing just you. will you? – I think one day without money or mobile, no internet, would be a blessing for me…completely relax! But give me food and drinks and a good book.
  6. How blogging affects you? Positively and negatively? – positively, I met a lot of wonderful like-minded people from all over the world for which I’m very grateful. Negatively, I’m running out of time and  starting feeling the pressure of blogging sometimes. Because I want to read the others, I want to interact with the others, I want to write my posts and I want to start doing something for my financial freedom but I’m just stuck with 12h office work and a few hours of blog…
  7. Are you a story writer? Would you collab with my stories 🤪? And will you regret it 😁? – nope…unfortunately I’m very bad at expressing myself…I would love to be able to write the stories from my mind but I’m never able to take them out and put them on paper…I wish there could be a way to transfer the thoughts directly on my computer 😊 but however I never give up 😊
  8. Close your eyes stand up, stand on one leg for 30 seconds, Did you do? – I did it! A little bit of equilibrium problems but was ok 👏🏻
  9. Are you a talker ? what makes you keep talking? – nope, I’m a taciturn…I’m very quiet…in fact I’m always hanging out with my husband and his friends…I am a part of the gang because I’m not a crazy, talkative women 😂 I prefer listening and honestly I prefer them than going out with the ladies 🤣
  10. What is your annoying behaviour you wanted to change yourself? – being too meticulous as is taking me too much time. Sometimes I wish I could just do it and that’s it! Instead I need to check and recheck before I say this is done. Just because everything must be done to perfection. Perfection that even don’t exist! Phhhh….

Nour’s questions, the most difficult questions I have ever received 🙈🙈

  1. You’re in a spaceship. You’re travelling to Pluto. You are obliged to bring a person that will live with you for thousands, if not millions, of years until you reach Neptune. BUT, when you arrive then (and you WILL) they will die by your side. Who would you bring with you? (You can name a celebrity, if you want) – I would take my husband to have it by my side for thousands or millions of years but I don’t want him to die, so I’ll rather go alone. I don’t want anyone to die by my side.
  2. What is practically invisible but you wish people could see? (seen these questions and they were very interesting) – respect, kindness, all traits that seems they become invisible nowadays but people should open their eyes and heart and see them.
  3. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called? – tongue spread             
  4. Create a word and tell us it’s meaning and how it’s pronounced. – bobbone, it’s pronounced how is written and means dog for me 🙂
  5. If we all got turned into birds, what bird would you be? – a seagull, free and without any care  
  6. Tell me an object that describes you. (For example, an alarm describes me. Annoying) – a broom or a vacuum cleaner or any cleaning object. I cannot stand the dirt 🤪
  7. Is a zebra white on black or black on white? – depends on how you want to see it 🙂 but it seems is black with white stripes
  8. You invented an invention. What would it do? – keep me young and alive forever
  9. If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future? – definitely my gestures and way of speaking will make them understand I’m not from their time 🙂
  10. You’re an enigma. Why would that be? (For example, you could stand the temperature 100 Celsius as if it’s a warm breeze) – oh yes, I’m cold even when I’m at 33-35 degrees Celsius

Some special blogger awards doesn’t mention that you need to create 10 questions, so I would like to keep the questions from the previous award as are really nice questions:

  1. What dream are you working towards right now?
  2. What seems to be your biggest obstacle?
  3. If things happened the way you wanted, how would life be different?
  4. Are you thankful of your weaknesses or you see them as a curse?

I would like to nominate:

  1. Jyoti
  2. Jessica
  3. Saania

Enjoy it! 😉


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