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Funny not funny

Hello my dear readers,

And finally weekend is here. It was an awful week, actually if I think about it, this year so far started not really in a good way…hopefully moving forward the situation will go back to ‘normal’.

In the meantime, I need some distraction so…🥂

Currently we’ve reached 67 cases of coronavirus here, with new confirmed cases every day.

And while some are suffering, some are fighting the virus, some are trying to protect themselves as much as they can, some are panic buying hoarding on toilet paper.

If you want to laugh a little bit look here and see some of the collateral effects of the coronavirus.

And if you are not the person that usually click on other links in a blog, believe me, you’ll have some fun, even if the situation is tragic.

Curious enough?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Stay safe!

Love, R


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