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Real Neat Blog Award 2

I was nominated by my dear Huguette from My Emotional Fingerprint for the Real Neat Blog Award.

Thank you my dear for considering my blog neat 🤗 I’m really grateful 🤗

I believe by now everyone knows Huguette, but if happens that you don’t and if you are sick of all the fake people or things happening around you, than I suggest to not waste anymore time and go and find Huguette! You will be amazed! Beside the truth and only the truth, she will bring up in you emotions that you even did not know exist!

The rules of Real Neat Blog Award are:

  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  4. Nominate any number of people, linking to their blogs and let them know you nominated them by commenting on their blogs.
  5. Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.

Huguette’s questions:

1- What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done? – not sure if I can call it cool but 1 week into a retreat in Cambodia, with our personal tuk-tuk and driver to take us to see the temples, it made me feel very cool

2- What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done? – I’m not sure what is the nicest thing…what I know is that every time I’m able to make someone happy or feel good, that makes me feel good and it feels nice too 😊 Like for example also simple silly things. I have sent to my best friend one year for Christmas a nice decoration and she was so so happy because she never expected it. That I think was nice because she was happy 😊

3- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? – I think leaving my home, family, friends and work and starting a new life at more than 10.000 km away in a new country without knowing anyone and having difficulties in speaking their language but it was also cool 😎  I would do it again if needed 🤪

4- What is your best feature as a person?  – I’m honest even if for some this is not likable 😊 Physical? I have no idea! I see myself so ugly sometimes even if my husband says the contrary 💕

5- What is the best thing your blog can offer to readers? – I hope I can bring some sunshine in their day and some travel and cooking inspiration 😊

6- What is summer means to you? – lazy days spent by the sea just sleeping, eating, taking a bath, read a good book and repeat

7- What is coastal means to you? – cliff, amazing cliffs….my cottage by the sea 😊 one day 😊

I will nominate:

For my questions, I would like to keep Huguette’s questions 🙂

Have fun!

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