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Sunshine Blogger Award 12

I was nominated by Sadje from Keep it alive for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Thank you very much Sadje! I’m really grateful!

Sadje is writing about keeping good physical and mental health and different forms of diets and at the same time she is on a journey of discovery of the world of written words. She knows how to keep you entertained 🙂


The Sunshine Blogger Award is peers recognition award for bloggers who inspire readers by promoting positivity and bringing joy.


Sadje’s questions:

1.Who is your hero/ role model? – I don’t have one

2. If today was the first time that you have seen a rainbow, describe your emotions. – oh my, I always loved the rainbow. Hope, hope is what I feel when I see it! Hope for a better tomorrow

3. What is the most commonly used object in your home? – plates and glasses, as we love eating and drinking

4. What is one thing that you cannot leave your house without? – keys

5. What sort of music you like to listen to? – chill out music

6. If you had a chance to start a new blog where all your followers were guaranteed to follow you, will you do it? – I have invested quite a lot of time in this blog and I like it so I believe I would keep this one but if for any special reasons such as make it for a living I guess yes

7. What is more important in life: having health or money? – both. We need to be healthy but also we need the money to enjoy our life and at the same time if we have money we have also a different access to health, as nowadays is a business in many countries

8. Would you stop your car for a lone hitch hacker? – nope

9. If egg yolk was black instead of yellow, would you still eat it? – yes

10. What is in your pocket? – I usually don’t have pockets and when I have I don’t keep anything as it bothers me

11. Which planet in our solar system is most likely to support life, other than Earth? – I think we were not able to discover it yet because we are too busy in doing wars than concentrating our efforts and money to explore the universe but they say likely Mars

As for my questions, I would like to keep Sadje’s questions as are challenging:

  1. Who is your hero/ role model?
  2. If today was the first time that you have seen a rainbow, describe your emotions.
  3. What is the most commonly used object in your home?
  4. What is one thing that you cannot leave your house without?
  5. What sort of music you like to listen to?
  6. If you had a chance to start a new blog where all your followers were guaranteed to follow you, will you do it?
  7. What is more important in life: having health or money?
  8. Would you stop your car for a lone hitch hacker?
  9. If egg yolk was black instead of yellow, would you still eat it?
  10. What is in your pocket?
  11. Which planet in our solar system is most likely to support life, other than Earth?

And my nominees:

  1. Simon Pen On Website
  2. Olivia Signature of Anonymous
  3. Chocoviv Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog
  4. Lynnie Lynnie_Blogs
  5. Priya priya singh


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