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My travel bucket-list: Porto, Portugal

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Photo credit: Popsicle Society from Google Map

I don’t know you but I love port wine. Porto is a coastal city located in northwest Portugal known for its stately bridges and port wine production.

It is situated in a region with stunning scenery and glorious beaches but also rich of history.

Porto is located along the Costa Verde, a dramatic coastline of rocky headlands, sandy beaches and powerful seas. Dotted along this coastline are traditional fishing towns and likeable beach resorts.

Photo credit: MyDiscoveries

Porto is a vibrant and fascinating city that is rapidly becoming one of Western Europe’s most respected tourist destinations. The city boasts an extensive history, from the warren of narrow streets that make up the ancient Ribeira district through to the grand plaza of the Trinidad district, interesting tourist attractions, a buzzing nightlife, and outstanding tourist facilities. There is a lot to see and do in Porto, and this diverse city will appeal to a wide range of visitors.
And once here, of course we need to do a port tasting tour. The port wine is matured in the vast cellars that line the southern banks of the Douro River. Making the tour you can discover more on the traditional processes of doing it and have a chance to sample some of the finest vintage Ports.

Unlike many other major tourist centres, you will not feel as if you’re being constantly exploited or ripped off, as Porto is a great value destination and it offers exceptional value for food, drink, public transport and even hotels are generally cheaper than most other European cities.

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Flying to Porto is quite easy. The airport is a major international airport and there are several direct flights covering the whole of Europe, including low-cost airlines.

Photo credit: Lonely Planet

In general, Porto and northern Portugal tend to be cooler and wetter than the rest of the country but if you plan a visit in the peak season which is from June to the end of August, the season offers hot and dry weather, which is suitable for spending time on the beaches.
If you prefer sightseeing, the weather is ideal in spring and autumn season.
In the winter there is a very high possibility of rain, but as Porto is a major city, all restaurants, bars and hotels remain open.

Surrounding Porto are numerous enjoyable day trips, and these excursions can transform Porto into a wonderful destination for a week-long holiday and overall, a holiday to Porto will cost significantly less than a holiday to other’s Europe major cities. Definitely to consider!


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