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Sunshine Blogger Award # 9, 10 & 11

I was working at this nomination from Gauri and it took me so long that in the meantime I’ve received a second and a third nomination 🤪😆

Oh Ribana…you are so slow with these awards…

Gauri, Ms Eager Beaver from nominated me first and then Marge from then Hope from for the Sunshine blogger award.

I’m really grateful! I thank you very very much to all of you for thinking of me! 

Ms Eager Beaver defines herself as a crazy workaholic who likes to be honest and live the life to the fullest. When you are a little bit down and you need a smile or a good laugh go visit Ms Eager Beaver. 

Marge is a Personal Fitness Life Strength Trainer, Powerlifter, proud member of Powerlifting Australia, cancer survivor and motivator. Too much for a women? No way! Go and visit her blog and you’ll see that she’s more than that! 

Hope is from Ohio and she has two adorable multipoo puppies, isn’t it this wonderful? If you are looking for inspiration visit Hope’s blog and you’ll not leave empty handed.


The Sunshine Blogger Award is peers recognition award for bloggers who inspire readers by promoting positivity and bringing joy.


Gauri’s questions:

  1. What’s your dream travel destination? – difficult to choose only one as I love to travel and I like sea, mountain, city, countryside…everything 😊
  2. Your ideal vacation? – 2-3 days of new discoveries, learning a little bit of history (that I did not like when I was in school) and then followed by one week by the sea, simply doing nothing except enjoying nature 😊
  3. If you had the opportunity to demolish any stereotype (only one), which one would that be? – culture stereotype. I’m from Romania and unfortunately there are quite a few Romanians around the world doing bad things, especially in Italy there they are seen as thefts and not recommended people. And of course Italian will consider all Romanian as being like that…I think this is happening with all nationalities but however I was quite bothered of this. Luckily my Italian family “adopted” me and considered me as part of their family without any issues but still others are not so fortunate…
  4. What’s the most judgmental statement that you have ever heard? – I think nowadays people are too judgmental with everything. They judge every single thing. I think these kind of people have too much spare time in their life. I will never waste my time in judging anything….who am I to judge? And why do I need to do it? It is affecting my life? Oh no…if everybody would stop being so judgmental the world would be better. 
  5. Romantic comedies or suspense thrillers? – well I think both 😊
  6. What was your favorite age growing up? – until 6 years old 😊
  7. What do you value the most in friendship? – sincerity
  8. On what topic or topics, you would never make jokes? – health, it is very important for everyone.
  9. How do you deal with negative emotions? – thinking at good things that I like and at my dreams. It cheers me up! 
  10. What makes you feel most accomplished? – that I had the gut at one moment in my life to say NO to my old life and YES to the change. I couldn’t be more prouder! 
  11. What was the last thing you read digital or in print? – I’m still reading it “La pergamena del tempio” it is a digital print in Italian since tomorrow I have my exam for Italian language 😉

Marge’s questions:

  1. How would you describe yourself? – a simple and honest person that tries to enjoy life😉
  2. If you woudn’t be who you are, who would you be? – definitely a dog 🐕 
  3. If you would have a power to change the World what would you change – every single part of this world has its potential and its resources but unfortunately who guides this world doesn’t seems to care and force people to do what they don’t want or they don’t like. For example are parts of the world were people are very good in tourism, spoiling and entertaining the visitors, but they are forced to work in factories…I would like to give the opportunity to everyone to do what they like and love and what they are good in doing, I’m sure this world would be a better world. 
  4. Something about you that your close friends or relatives don’t know. (I guess it is secret, but anyway…) – not sure…I don’t have too many friends or relatives and they know pretty much everything about me…so that they can stay away from me or from doing the things that I don’t like😊
  5. Three types of food you never ate but would like to try?😋 – I’ve tried pretty much everything that I wanted too…traveling it gives you the opportunity to discover a lot of new foods…😊 Of course I’m not aware of a lot of cuisines all around the world and I hope one day when I’ll be able to travel more I’ll discover them 😊 And just today I’ve found out from Huguette about the makdous, pickled baby aubergines filled with walnut, garlic, peppers, definitely I would like to try it 😋
  6. Three types of foods you will never ever ever try? No freaking way!!! – worms 🐛 , oysters and bugs 🐜 
  7. How you censoring what you really think or feel?🤔 – I’m not very good at it. I’m a very direct person and if I have to say something I say it in the face and I do have some problems with this because people most of the time don’t appreciate it 🤪
  8. If you could change one thing in your life, what would you change and why?🤔 – nothing…I think I am who I am today because of everything that happened in my life so far.
  9. What are your plans when you will get old like grandma or grandpa? – I hope I’ll have my cottage by the sea by that time and I’ll just enjoy life, gardening, cooking and surrounded by my hubby and at least 3 dogs 🐕 
  10. What’s wrong but sounds and feels right? – Eating pasta and pizza daily 😉
  11. If you were moving to different country forever, but should only pack one bag, what would you pack? ) 🧰 – my wallet with my credit cards and my passport 😊 for the rest I can buy anything that I need 😉

Hope’s questions:

  1. Who inspires you most in your life? What traits do you admire about them? – nature is a wonderful inspiration for me and of course my hubby which is a very loyal and positive person.
  2. Why is blogging important to you? – I blog because I want to bring a little bit of sunshine in everybody’s life 🌞
  3. What is your favorite type of sky? – blue sky with wonderful white little clouds…same sky that I saw in Cambodia…I’ve never saw such a blue sky anywhere else…stunning 😊
  4. What do you hope to get out of blogging? – I’m already grateful being part of this community. I’ve meet even if not in person yet, beautiful and amazing people!
  5. Do you have any hobbies (besides blogging)? – enjoying nature, traveling, reading, cooking are only a few 😊
  6. Favorite place you have traveled or wish to travel to? And why? – I loved every place where I’ve travelled! Each travel means for me a new experience from which I learn new things, new cultures, new foods, new habits and traditions. Where I wish to travel? Everywhere 😊
  7. What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned throughout your life? – that life is only one and today I’m here but tomorrow or even in the next minute I’m not sure…so I need to live it at the fullest, I need to enjoy every moment as will never come back!
  8. Sweet or sour? And why? – sometimes I’m craving for sweet but most of the time sour… I like it most…
  9. Weirdest, craziest, or just most interesting dream you have ever had!? – that I live in hotel 😊 and it was a recurring dream…not bad actually 😉
  10. What is your #1 goal in life? – for now my cottage by the sea 😉
  11. Are you satisfied with where you are in life right now? – yes but there’s room for improvement 😊

My questions:

  1. Is the sunshine affecting your mood?
  2. Can you be called sunshine?
  3. What brings you joy and happiness in your life?
  4. Are you happy?
  5. Would you change something in your life?
  6. If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? 
  7. Do you like your job?
  8. If your boss would offer you a job in a different country, would you accept it?
  9. How important is for you to be honest?
  10. When was the last time you’ve cooked at home?
  11. Are you pursuing your dreams? 

My nominees:


As usual no obligations but please don’t ignore it.

I have put the full website address instead of writing the name of the blog and I think every nominee should receive an automatic pingback, am I right? Who knows, your advise will be very much appreciated!

Thank you all for your support and I’m always very grateful to be part of this community 💕🌷


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