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Friday Funday

Hello my dear readers,


And because is Friday let’s have some fun 😉

Funny and real at the same time…I wish I could pay my bills with a hug…I guess hugs would make people more happy 😃

Haha…yep…is happening almost every day 🤪

From when this COVID-19 has invaded and changed our lives, I’ve wrote very little about it, but looking at what is happening around the world, I must admit that I’m glad I’m living in Singapore.

After a long and troublesome period, Singapore is planning for Phase 3, meaning easing more and more restrictions that were imposed to keep us safe against COVID-19.

Singapore is a city state where tourism has a huge contribution. But despite this, in order to protect its people and keep them safe, Singapore closed its borders and imposed a Circuit Breaker, meaning all activities were closed except essential services.

People were advised to not go out, not even for groceries, to not do gatherings and avoid all contacts with family or friends that are not living in the same household.

It was definitely not an easy period but was well worth it.

Even now, every time we enter in a restaurant or in a shopping mall or we go to the office, there are temperature checks and check-in/check-out in order to keep a record of visitors to all business venues and support contact tracing. 

Masks are mandatory the moment you step out of your home and there are quite sensitive fines if someone is caught without it.

Yes, strict rules were imposed with important fines for who don’t respect them but today we have days with 0 cases or days with 1-2 COVID cases.

I’m not saying that all rules are all worth it as it always depends on who is making them…but in this case Kudos to Singapore, they made it work.

Yes, there’s the negative side that we cannot travel but with what is going on around us, nobody is willing to do it anyway.

I guess for now we’ll just continue to enjoy Singapore.

Have a wonderful weekend all!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Stay safe and relax!

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Popsicle Society

I love traveling, cooking and enjoying this beatiful world. 
I’m a life lover! Simple as that!

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