Aromatic herbs for memory

I don’t know you, but I’ve noticed that I’ve started forgetting not only the things I’ve done yesterday but also things that I’ve had intention in doing today.

While not remembering the past is not affecting me very much, because what was important I cannot forget as I’ve lived it and the experience will be with me forever, but having difficulty in remembering my intentions is quite serious especially because I consider myself a very organised person.

But luckily food is giving us a helping hand even with our memory.

Did you know that certain culinary herbs have positive effects on our brain?

For example, drinking peppermint tea has been shown to enhance cognition and stir up our mood, improving working memory, the alertness and the long-term memory.

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On the other side, the scent of rosemary has been shown to improve “prospective memory”, which is the ability to remember to perform an action in the future, to remember to do something at a specific time or after receiving a prompt, like remembering to take medication or send a message to our friends and family, or reaching the supermarket and remembering what we were supposed to buy (in this case the groceries list is very useful though, just need to remember to do one).

Researchers shows that the scent of rosemary enhances prospective memory by about 15%, as well as making us more alert.

Well, two things I need to do in order to improve my prospective memory:

  1. Start the morning with a “To Do” list, making sure I’ll check them off at the end of the day.
  2. Start enjoying more rosemary. I do have a plant of rosemary in my little balcony and I do take care of it everyday and I love its scent. It just needs a little touch to release its pleasant scent.
My Rosemary Plant

What about you? Do you have problems in remembering your daily “To Do” list? How do you overcome it?

Stay safe my friends!

Popsicle Society
Popsicle Society

I love traveling, cooking and enjoying this beatiful world. 
I’m a life lover! Simple as that!

54 thoughts

  1. To improve memory and recall:

    Squeeze your right fist fo 90 seconds to stimulate the left side of the hippocampus responsible for memorizing things.

    Squeeze your left fist for 90 seconds to affect the area in the right brain that helps in recall.

    Do this 2-3 times daily.

    When you park your car in a mall or such look where you parked your car and squeeze away.

    It does help.

    1. I’m glad the blog is helping you Derrick! Yes, very true, is not always easy to remember the right search word 🤪 Actually I always have problems in remembering the key words 🤪

      1. I think Rosemary and Thyme compliment lamb, if you are vegetarian I hope this does not upset you. If not and you like lamb try in grease proof paper with sprigs of both herbs.

      2. Thank you very much for the suggestion 😉 I’m not vegetarian but I don’t like lamb 🤪 Actually sometimes my husband is insisting for me to try it and is very tender but nope…I’m not ready for it yet 🤪 Maybe with some herbs would be better 😉

  2. I like to use a to do list, remembering to look at it is a problem though. i love peppermint tea, have never tried rosemary. I never knew that they were good for memory, I better get at it more before I forget. Thanks for sharing this Ribana!😀😺🌞☕

    1. Hahaha…yep…I have the same problem….even when I remember to do the to do list, I don’t remember to look at it…🤪
      Rosemary has a beautiful scent and it goes well in lots of dishes 😉
      Have a wonderful and good night sleep Steve and Muffin 😻🤩
      Thank you very much for the good laugh 😂

      1. I’ll have to check on that rosemary and see if I can grow it successfully. A good night’s sleep, just what I need.😴😹
        My pleasure Ribana, have a fantastic Friday!😃😸😻

      2. It is a plant that doesn’t require much attention and it grows like a little tree 🌳 😉 I love to grow the aromatic herbs at home, to have them all the time fresh 😉
        Have a wonderful Friday too Steve and Muffin, soon 😉😻

      3. I have never had much success growing herbs indoors, not enough sun in here during the winter months. And some herbs are not good for cats, though rosemary is fine.😺
        Looks like it will be a nice day, should be able to get the final part of my feeder work done.😀😺🌞😎

  3. I have a alarm set for a certain time on Thursday only – with a label attached to it.

    My fridge is covered in scraps of paper with all kinds of things on it – every day I try to see what has been done. One piece of paper starts almost as soon as groceries arrive, things I forgot to get, not usually urgent. Another tells me what is happening on Thursday as above. One tells me that online grocery store also sells xyz (not food) and then there are always appointments…not usually many of them, except just now doctors’ appt to do with new “spinning head stuff”

  4. This is great, thank you! Food is so powerful. I used to feel like you described but now I’m much sharper after sorting out my gut and consuming brain foods like tumeric and blueberries (and herbs!) 🙌

  5. if I do not write stuff down it does not get done. I forget everything and cannot live without my lists. So I need to drink more peppermint tea and smell rosemary, all of it! xD

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