Today’s Inspiring Words

Hello my dear readers,

I know life is not always easy … actually most of the time is pretty difficult … but … sometimes we just need to look at things from a different perspective.

Believe me! It works!

Image credit: Pexels, edited by Popsicle Society


26 thoughts

  1. Very True! well said Ribana, Think from a different perspective, problems come, because it needs to be solved, not to be stared😜. Have a beautiful day Ribana😉

  2. Exactly! Just like how kids see excitement in things that are problematic for adults, like getting stuck inside the house because of snow blocks the exit 😂

      1. My pleasure Ribana! Muffin knows how to stay warm anyway, just run around the apartment like lightning!😂😹Have a great evening!😁😻⛄

      2. That’s always a good way to stay warm. Actually soon I’ll go back home to Italy where is pretty cold these days so I’ll just follow Muffin’s way 😉😻

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