Are you ready for a challenge?

I know is not easy to stay positive in our busy life, too many worries, to many problems but let’s try something: when you give up and a negative thought manages to get into your mind, start thinking at three positive ones, start thinking at what makes you happy, your loved ones, your pets, your comfort zone, your habits, your favorite food…Train your mind to fight the negativity! Train yourself to flip the script. And once you manage to do it, be consistent! Your life will be better and you’ll be a happier person! 

Have a lovely weekend all! 😊💕🌷

Popsicle Society-beach Singapore East Coast Park
Photo credit: Popsicle Society-by the sea

41 thoughts

  1. I’ve experienced flickers of the law of attraction although I haven’t read the book. I do believe that positive affirmations work. So hard to put into proactive sometimes, but I can see the benefits of being positive! Cheers 🥂

  2. This is so true! being negative was never useful to anyone at all! 😊 Have a lovely weekend as well full of delicious food and a good drink haha 😀 😀 😊😊💕💕

  3. Thank you for this! I try to stay positive but sometimes when I’m alone and things are quiet some negative thoughts from my past creep in. I need to remember to block them out with positive thoughts only! 🙂

    1. Indeed Michelle! Not always easy but we must remember and try always to surround ourselves with positivity 😊🌸 Have a lovely and positive weekend 🌸🌸🌸

  4. Such a great idea. I have had a challenging week getting over my rather dramatic hospital stay and focusing on the things that make me happy has helped a lot.

    1. I hope you’re ok 💕 It is difficult most of the time but thinking at positive things can really help us a lot to pass by and move on! Wish you a lovely weekend! 🌸🌸🌸

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