You never know how strong you are

“You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.” – extract from L’ospite del villaggio (The village’s guest by Piero Piazzolla)

I know that maybe this sounds strange but believe me you’ll find it out when needed and you’ll be amazed. 

Friday is here! Enjoy your weekend! 😊

Popsicle Society-orchid
Photo credit: Popsicle Society-orchids

58 thoughts

  1. Lovely orchids 😀 I have heard a lot about the different varieties of orchids in Singapore. Yet to visit though 🙂

  2. Beautiful orchids! And This is so true! 😊 I believe in these words and I know them very well! Have a great weekend 😊❤

    1. I know you know them, dear Huguette! Unfortunately we discover it in our worst moments…but then at least we know what we are capable of 😊 Thank you! Have a lovely weekend too! 🌷🌷

  3. Oh Ribana. It’s NOT steange. Not to me anyway. And you know why. Yes, sometimes we have no choice. As you know, it was so for me when I got cancer. Even a baby like me can be strong when there is no choice. I would not like to be faced with that again though. Every single day takes strength for me now though. I am SO glad you wrote this Ribana. Yes, readers, you WILL have strength when you have no chouce!

    1. I know Lorraine! You are the living proof and I do admire you for that 💕🌷 Thank you Lorraine for the wonderful person and example that you are for all of us! Stay strong! Sending you a lot of love 💕💕🌷

      1. You are so welcome Ribana. Thank you for those wonderful kind words to me. I just wanted your readers to know that what you have said is completely true because you never know when you might need to know these things. You are so kind to me thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.

      2. I thank you very much Lorraine for all your kind words and I wish you all the best! I’m really very grateful to know you! I wish your days to be filled with peace and happiness so that you can enjoy listening the wonderful birds 😊 Have a wonderful and peaceful day🌷

    1. Something strange happened also this time…🤔 my comment went I think as a reply to another comment that you have on the post…oh my…I’m sorry…🙄

  4. A few years ago I was in full time studies for my Masters. However, at the same time I was also working part time. I went to bed every day around 2 am in the morning and had no break for an entire year. The weekends were used for studying, writing essays etc and the weekdays to attend university, work and write some more essays. It was really hard and tiring, but I got the grade I wanted. I was so proud of myself as I never thought I could get everything done, but as you correctly said, we never know what we can achieve until we are simply put in a situation where we have no choice. We can learn from these experiences and grow.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing! And congratulations for your achievement! 🎊🎉 How wonderful is the feeling to be proud of ourselves right? Only when we are in this situations we can understand what are we capable of 😊 I’m very glad you made it and at the same time you learned something new about yourself 😊💕

      1. Thank you so much. Yes, these situations can prep us for life in general. You can always look back to get some motivation when you are in a difficult situation again. You can always say, I was in situation xyz and I managed to get through it. I can deal with the current situation, I can do this! This always helps me and gives me an energy boost.

      2. Exactly! Everything that happens in our life is an experience, and all these experiences help us grow and become who we are today! It is part of our journey and is good to have confidence! Thank you very much Anna! I wish you a lovely Saturday 🌸🌸

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